Chengzhu Mandarin Centre evolved naturally, as a result of running Mandarin programmes at Julia Gabriel Centre for over 12 years. The time was right to take the next step: to create a wholly Chinese environment where children and their families could be immersed in both language and culture, ensuring holistic, meaningful and long lasting learning experiences. In January 2012, Chengzhu Mandarin Centre was officially born!
About the name “Chengzhu”
The name “Chengzhu” comes from the Chinese idiom “xiong you cheng zhu” (to have an image of bamboo in one’s mind), which illustrates the confidence that good preparation can bring when taking on new challenges.
The word “cheng” also signifies growth. We chose the name “Chengzhu” because we aim to help our learners develop the tenacity and strength exemplified by bamboo.
Our programmes and nurturing environment immerse students in Chinese language and culture, enabling them to develop a strong foundation in Mandarin and build the confidence to master the language – just as bamboo initially emerges as a fragile shoot and then grows tall and strong in fertile soil.
“成竹”取自于成语“胸有成竹”。此成语原指 画竹子之前,心里已经有了竹子的形象;后用来比 喻做事之前已有充分的准备,做起事来很有把握。
“成”字也意味着成长。我们取“成竹”两字也 是希望学生们会像竹子一样成长得坚实挺拔。
我们精心设计的、蕴含中华文化的课程不仅可以 为学生打下坚实的语言基础,而且还可以帮助他们 建立掌握语言的自信心。我们坚信学生们在“成竹 华语中心”这片沃土中,能犹如春笋般破土而出, 茁壮成长。