If you have been pondering the benefits of a Chinese enrichment class for your toddler, here are 10 reasons why a parent accompanied playgroup programme in Mandarin is a good idea for your child – and you!

Babies are born wired for sound
The earlier a child is exposed to any language, the easier it is for them to understand the sounds they hear and repeat them accurately. Mandarin is a tonal language. The more opportunities your child has to hear Mandarin spoken, the quicker they will pick up its natural cadence.
Consistent and regular exposure
Mastering the correct pronunciation of Chinese phrases and symbols comes with practice. Consistent exposure for your toddler within a fully Mandarin language environment strengthens the natural absorption of new vocabulary and concepts, enabling young children to remember what they learn with ease.
Structured learning
A quality Mandarin enrichment class should be designed to meet all the developing needs of infants and toddlers but with a focus on generating maximum exposure to the relevant language in the most positive and enjoyable ways. PlayNest and PlayClub programmes at Chengzhu Mandarin Centre ensure every activity – from songs to puppet-play, art and craft and interactive stories – repeat and reinforce Mandarin sounds, words and phrases.
Language specialists
Households where little or no Mandarin is spoken cannot immerse young children in the language. Attending a dedicated Mandarin playgroup on a regular basis, exposes your preschooler to accomplished language role models, adept at delivering activities in the most captivating ways to each individual’s development.
Learning through play
Play-based activities, with specific aims and objectives, help children catch language naturally. Chengzhu Mandarin Centre’s accompanied programmes include a range of free play and structured activities that appeal to the natural curiosity of young minds, laying the foundations for future learning. Click here to learn more about our parent accompanied programmes for infants and toddlers.
Early childhood specialists
When attending a quality parent accompanied playgroup in Singapore, your child will benefit from the nurturing guidance of trained professionals who understand the developmental milestones they go through. Look for a programme where educators collaborate closely with parents and caregivers. Learning alongside your preschooler, from a qualified educator, will help you help them at home!

Benefits of a global language
Growing up effectively bilingual is enormously beneficial; particularly as Chinese Mandarin continues to spread globally as a language of commerce and business. Singaporean citizens are typically fluent in both English and their mother tongue language. Enrolling your preschooler in a dedicated language-rich Mandarin environment at the earliest age possible can help them develop a natural fluency in Mandarin and easily adapt to conversing in Mandarin.
Dynamic learning environment
One of the best ways for toddlers to learn Mandarin is through songs, nursery rhymes, and by putting actions to words. Songs with repetitive phrases and simple melodies appeal to the innate joy and wonder of little learners. Toddlers love to jiggle about and clap their hands to catchy tunes. Physicalising language in this way helps them remember vocabulary and phrases easily.
Relax and bond
Attending a Chinese enrichment programme with your child is fun for everyone concerned. Parents/caregivers get to enjoy one-on-one time with their child in a stress-free environment that is designed for optimum language learning. Adults and children develop skills and a love of learning Mandarin together, making it much easier for you as a parent to reinforce learning at home!
The EduDrama® edge
Chengzhu Mandarin Centre uses EduDrama (a unique teaching methodology founded by educator Julia Gabriel over 30 years ago) to deliver programmes. EduDrama engages and motivates children to learn in the most positive and creative ways, empowering them with strong and effective communication skills.